MS-WORD assignment 2 - 10-වසර තොරතුරු හා සන්නිවේදන තාක්ෂණය

MS-WORD assignment 2




Basic formats in MS-Word


  1. Create your own folder with your name in Desktop.
  2. Type the text ( Do not correct misspelled words ) in MS-Word and do the given formats.
  3. Save your document in your folder with the name “word3”



Computer Programming

What is Computer Program?

A computer program is a sequence of instructions written using a Computer Programming Language to perform a specified task by the computer. A computer program is also called a computer software, which can range from two lines to millions of lines of instructions.

Computer program instructions are also called program source code and computer programming is also called program coding. A computer without a computer program is just a dump box; it is programs that make computers active.

there are hundreds of programming languages, which can be used to write computer programs and following are a few of them:

C  C++   C#   F# Java PHP Perl Ruby Rails Python Cobol Matlab Pascal JavaScript Objective C Visual Basic SQL ASP Action Script Ecma Script Fortran Groovy Squirrel JSP

Development Environment

A text editor or IDE to create computer programs

A compiler to compile the programs into binary format

An interpreter to execute the programs directly

Basic Matters

Similar to Human Interface Languages, Computer Programming Languages are also made of several elements. We will take you through the basics of those elements and make you comfortable to use them in various programming languages. These basic elements include:

Programming Environment Basic Syntax Data Types Variables Keywords Basic Operators Decision Making Loops Numbers Characters Arrays Strings Functions File I/O


  1. Save your document againand close MS-WORD.
  2. Open the text file word3
  3. Copy the text in to a new document.
  4. Format the title “Computer Programming”

(size- 20, style-Bold and underline, letters- Uppercase, alignment – center)

  1. Format the sub title ” What is Computer Program?”

( size- 14, color – Blue)

  1. Select first 2 paragraphs and change it to Italics, alignment to Justify, first line indent to 1”
  2. Increase the indent of the 3rd paragraph to 0.5 inches.
  3. Separate names of programming languages and Change the font color to red.
  4. Change formats of next 2 sub topics “Development Environment” & “Basic Matters”as in question 3 using format painter.
  5. Select the text            “ Development Environment

A text editor or IDE to create computer programs

A compiler to compile the programs into binary format

An interpreter to execute the programs directly

Set them as a paragraph. (not to see in line by line)

  1. Change font and indentation of “development environment” as you wish.
  2. Increase first line indent to 2 inch and justify the paragraph 1.
  3. Separate basic matters and make the italics.
  4. Save your file in your folder.